
Children aged 3 years through 5th grade are welcome to come and learn about God through stories, music, and crafts. The first Sunday of every month, the children are invited to stay with their parents to share in communion.

Kid's Club!
Elementary aged kids are invited to join us on Wednesday's following Wednesday Night Supper!
For more information contact Krista or the church office.

Bethel is a "Safe Sanctuary" church meaning that all individuals who work with children and teens under the age of 18 must complete "Safe Sanctuary" training.  A whole new process has been developed by the UMC. Background checks and the training itself is now done "online."

If you are planning working with any of the children's or youth groups, please contact the Church Office so you can be sent the correct forms to begin the process.

Calling all kids!

Join us in Children's Church to learn about the love of Jesus Chris and how to share that love!  We will sing, dance, craft, and have a snack!  You don't want to miss all this fun!  Children's Church is designed for kids 4 years old thru 5th grade.

Parents don't worry there are plenty of opportunities for you to join in all of this fun!