About Our Preschool
Our goal is to maintain a warm, loving, and Christian based setting designed to provide early education to children of preschool age. Classes are offered for two year old through five year old.
More Information
Bethel Church started its Preschool Program in 1999. During the last 20 years, Bethel has pursued and continued its vision of a ministry to pre-school children. The vision was inspired and guided by the teachings of the Holy Bible:
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)
"People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16)
"People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Luke 18:15-17)
Today, the vision of a special ministry for preschool age children and its source remain the same as in 1999.
Being faithful to the vision, the specific goal before the congregation and the staff of the Pre-School Program is to maintain a warm, loving, and Christian based setting designed to provide early education to children of pre-school age.
Furthermore, our goal includes the Pre-School Program partnering with parents of pre-school age children in helping their child to develop:
emotionally and
to achieve their full age-appropriate potential.
Coupled with the two goals mentioned, the Bethel Pre-School seeks:
to encourage the unique development of each child,
to provide an experience where children come to believe in themselves, their self-worth, and their ability to have a positive impact on the world around them,
and to enable children to see themselves as creative, capable, critical thinkers.
Bethel's Preschool commits itself to an inclusive pre-school ministry which serve children of pre-school age without regard to their race, language, ethnicity, gender, social, economic, or religious background.
*Bethel's Commitment to our vision
Bethel's commitment to our vision is reflected in how the Pre-School Program is structured and guided by the Pastor and congregation.
Bethel's Pre-School Program is structured and guided by the "Pre-School Governing Board." This governing board is staff by the annual "Charge/Church Conference" of the Bethel Church. The "Charge/Church Conference" determines the number of positions on the "Board" and the individuals within the congregation filling those positions.
The Chair of the Pre-School Governing Board is a member of the congregation's "Church Council" which oversees and guides all ministry programs within Bethel.
"Pre-School Governing Board" - What is it? What does it do? Who is it?
Generally speaking, the Pre-School Governing Board oversees and governs all aspects of the Bethel Pre-School. As the governing body for the school, the Board establishes policies and procedures that relate to the pre-school program. The Pre-School Governing Board reports to the Church Council and to the Pastor.
Specifically, the Pre-School Governing Board sees to the everyday functions of the Pre-School Program. In doing so and in consultation with the Pastor, chooses the curriculum, establishes the days and hours, establishes the various tuitions and other related charges, oversees the marketing and advertising of the Pre-School Program and recruits teachers and staff members as needed.
In regard to the calendaring of pre-school events, the Administrative Manager consults with Bethel's Council on Ministries.
The Pre-School Governing Board is also responsible for training the pre-school teachers and other staff members.
The Pre-School Program Governing Board oversees the registration of students and all other matters relating to the students enrolled in the program.
Crucial to the Pre-School Program are the teachers and Administrative Manager. The Pre-School Governing Board has the task of hiring and guiding the teachers and Administrative Manager, under the guidance of the SPRC and the Pastor. The Pre-School Governing Board consults with the Pastor and Bethel's Staff-Parish Relations Committee in all employment matters. (The Pastor is the supervisor of all paid employees.)
The Pre-School Program Governing Board establishes the tuition, registration and activity fees charged to the parents. Likewise, the Pre-School Program Governing Board establishes an annual operating budget for the Pre-School.
The Pre-School Program Governing Board is responsible to ensure that the facilities are always safe for the children, their families and the school staff. In doing so, the Pre-School governing Board consults with the Pastor and Bethel's Board of Trustees.
*A Non-Profit Program
The Bethel Pre-School Program is a non-profit ministry of the Bethel Methodist Church. All funds received in excess of the operating expenses must be re-invested in children's ministries at Bethel.
Weekly Chapel Service
Every Wednesday at 12:00 PM, the Pastor or another staff member conducts an age related “Chapel Service” for the students. Parents and other family members are invited to participate in the Chapel Services.
Classes Offered
Presently, the Bethel Preschool Program offers the following:
For two year olds :3 day, and 4 day a week classes are offered
(No classes are taught on Friday)
For three year olds :
3 day, and 4 day a week classes are offered
(No classes are taught on Friday)
For four year olds:
4 day a week classes are offered
(No classes are taught on Friday)
Curriculum and Learning Experiences
Bethel’s Pre-School Program uses ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum. Teaching new concepts and skills isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. We recognize that children learn in many ways, and so we design learning resources that enable easy differentiation and adaptation for individual, small-group, and whole-class instruction in a variety of traditional, hands-on, and digital formats. You
The GEORGIA EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS are a big part of how we make sure that each age level is getting what they need. Copies of these standards along with the curriculum are in the Preschool office for your convenience. You can explore the learning standards in depth by going to www.gelds.decal.ga.gov.
A structured Music Program is included as a vital part of our curriculum. A musically trained Preschool staff person provides training for the students.
A Structured Creative Play Time is included as part of the daily curriculum.
Learning Activities and Field Trips occur throughout the school year.
These activities include:
We have the Emergency Services come in October (Fire Dept., EMT's, and Sheriff's Dept.)
The Preschool students participate in an Easter Egg Hunt and a Trunk or Treat. They are also invited and encouraged to participate in Bethel’s Annual “Tent of Treat Halloween Celebration.
In November, we have the annual Thanksgiving Feast and Program,
In December, we have the annual Preschool Christmas Program.
In January, the Children's Librarian comes.
In February, we have our Dental Hygiene presentation. (A Dental Hygienist comes to talk to the kids about good dental health.)
The Preschool students are invited and encouraged to participate in Bethel’s Annual Easter “Egg Hunt by Flashlight” (a night time Easter Egg Hunt).
An annual year end party and graduation service.
Other activities are planned as the year unfolds.
Bench Marks and Evaluations
Each child is independent of each other and certainly grows at his or her own rate. At the same time, sometimes a child needs extra attention and guidance.
The Bethel Preschool Program has established “bench marks” consistent with the State Standards. The goal is to see the child achieve regular learning growth.
At regular intervals, the Preschool Program’s teachers will be in consultation with the parents of the program’s student. These consultations are essential moments of partnering with the student’s parents.
*Safety of Children
Bethel Methodist Church and all its ministries and groups, including the Preschool Program, follow the guidelines and instructions of the Global Methodist Church Ministry Safe Program.
Ministry Safe is a program designed to protect children from any harm. You can gain more knowledge of Ministry Safe by going to: https://ministrysafe.com/gmc/
Email the Preschool
Preschool Staff
Amanda Hamilton
Pre-School Director
Kira Taffar
Pre-K Lead Teacher
Stacey Nahlik
Pre-K Assistant Teacher
Kayla Dinsmore
Pre-K Lead Teacher
Alex Ewald
Three-Year-Old Lead Teacher
Amy McBrayer
Two-Year-Old Lead Teacher
Mikayla Tacy
Three-Year- Old Lead Teacher
Emily Goins
Three-Year-Old Assistant Teacher
Brittany Sims
Pre-K Assistant Teacher
Julie Reagan
Two-Year-Old Assistant Teacher
Kelly Baugus
Two-Year-Old Lead Teacher
Pam Michael
Two-Year-Old Assistant Teacher
Kelli Batten
Three-Year-Old Lead Teacher
Morgan Gravitt
Relief Teacher
Kathleen Mason
Three-Year-Old Assistant Teacher
Mindy Campagno
Three-Year-Old Assistant Teacher