Upcoming Events

Bethel Women's Group Meeting
3rd Saturday of every month
Chapel Basement
We’re pleased to announce a change for the BWG meeting. It will be held on the third Saturday of every month in the Chapel Basement at 10:30 AM. We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday Nights at Bethel
March 19
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Chicken Tenders, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: Staff

OCC Packing Party
Friday, March 21
Basement of Chapel
Join us in packing for Operation Christmas Child. We're collecting clothes and toys for kids ages 2-14. Every bit helps. We’ll focus on teens during this packing party. We invite everyone to come out and help! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday Night Special Event Featuring Missionary Guest Speakers Sohail & Jennifer Samuel
March 12
Come and meet the inspiring Sohail and Jennifer Samuel, a dedicated couple passionately serving as missionaries from Pakistan.

Young At Heart Outing to Hello Dolly Matinee
Sunday, March 9
Van leaving church at 1pm
Show starts at 2pm
Y@H will be attending a matinee performance of "Hello Dolly" at the New Focal Center in Cumming, GA. The show will begin at 2 PM, and tickets cost $27 each. If you want to ride in the church van, please meet at the church at 1 PM.
For more information, feel free to reach out to Marji, Dianne D., Ruth S., or Gordon.

Wednesday Night Supper & Ash Wednesday Service
March 5
Supper - 5:45pm / Gathering Room
WNS: Beef Stew, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: W@W
$6 per plate
Service - 6:30pm/ Sanctuary
Join us for our uplifting Ash Wednesday service and embark on a journey of reflection and renewal.

Wednesday Nights at Bethel
February 26
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Baked Potato Bar, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: Legacy Youth

OCC Packing Party
Friday, February 21
Basement of Chapel
Join us in packing for Operation Christmas Child. We're collecting clothes and toys for kids ages 2-14. Every bit helps. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday Nights at Bethel
February 19
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Meatloaf or Chicken & Dumplings, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: Emmaus

Men’s Breakfast
Sunday, February 16
8:00 AM
Country Cafe
Come join us as we fellowship together before worship! Bethel Men's Group: Meets monthly (usually the 3rd Sunday of every month) for breakfast at Country Cafe, a time to connect, inspire, and grow together. Check the calendar for meeting times and special events.

Wednesday Nights at Bethel
February 12
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Italian Feast, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: W@W

Church-Wide Super Bowl Party
Sunday, February 9
Big Screens, fellowship, and fun! Bring your favorite finger foods to share.

Winter Jam Concert
February 8
leave church @3pm to make 5pm concert
Legacy Youth will be attending the Winter Jam Concert located at the State Farm Arena. All are welcome to attend. A 15-dollar donation is asked at the door. Please let us know if you would like to attend by February 5th so we can make sure we have enough room in the van. We will also have dinner while we are out. Meet at the church by 3pm. See Holly for additional details.

Wednesday Nights at Bethel
February 5
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Chili, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: OCC

Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 4
Chapel Basement
Join us for the first meeting of the year, and reach out to Kala Wilkerson if you have something to discuss at the meeting.

Wednesday Night Supper
January 29
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Mac & Cheese, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: Bethel Staff

Young At Heart Brunch
Saturday, January 25
Gathering Room
Bring your appetite and ideas for our outings!

CANCELED - Wednesday Night Supper
*Canceled due to inclement weather.
January 22
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Country Supper with Fixins
Pork Roast, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: BWG
BWG is asking for donations for the homeless. If possible, please donate winter items (gloves or socks) or a hygiene item.

Wednesday Night Supper
January 8
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
$6 per plate
Beef Stew, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: Worship Team

Christmas Eve
December 24
Join us on December 24th at 5pm for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

Bethel Christmas Party
Sunday, December 8th
12 - 2pm
Gathering Room
Join us for our Christmas Party. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a covered dish to share.

BWG Jingle & Mingle Christmas Tea
Wednesday, December 4
Gathering Room
Join us for a wonderful afternoon of fun and fellowship. Remember to bring a $5 wrapped ornament.

Christmas Decorating
Tuesday, December 3
Come help us decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas.

BWG Christmas Card Delivery
A recommended donation of $0.25 per card. Card drop-off station located in the Gathering Room. Please contact Marji or Sherry M. for any questions.

Christmas Poinsettias
now through December 15
Poinsettias will be used to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like to order a flower in Honor or Memory of a loved one, please fill out a form & attach your form of payment. Place in the offering plate or stop by the office. Order forms are due no later than December 15th.

Star Kids
now through December 15
Choose a "Star" off the Christmas tree in the Gathering Room to help support a child this holiday season. Please return the items by December 15th, unwrapped, with your "Star" attached to the gift. See Krista for additional details

Young At Heart Pizza Party
Friday, November 22nd
12 - 2pm
Gathering Room
Join us for pizza and fellowship. RSVP by Nov. 19th to Ruth S., Marji, or Joanne H. and let us know what kind of pizza you like.

Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday, November 20
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
Chili, Hotdogs, Sides & Desserts
Hosted By: BWG
$6 per plate.
Come fellowship and eat with us!

Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday, November 13
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
Pizza, Salad,& Desserts
Hosted By: Staff
$6 per plate.
Come fellowship and eat with us!

Operation Christmas Child Box Drop off Dates
Monday 11/18 2-5pm
Tuesday 11/19 4-6pm
Wednesday 11/20 2-4pm
Thursday 11/21 2-4pm
Friday 11/22 10am-3pm
Saturday 11/23 11am-2pm
Sunday 11/24 1:30pm- 4pm
Monday 11/25 9-11am
*Drop off in Gathering Room.

Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday, November 6
5:45 - 6:30pm
Gathering Room
Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, Salad, Green Beans & Desserts
Hosted By: Staff
$6 per plate.
Come fellowship and eat with us!

Kids Discipleship: The Greatest Journey
The Greatest Journey: The OCC Discipleship Program.