We Are The Church


I am the church; you are the church;
We are the church together!
All who follow Jesus, all around the world!
Yes, we are the church together!

Verse 1

The church is not a building;
The church is not a steeple,
The church is not a resting place,
The church is a people.

Verse 2

We’re many kinds of people,
With many kinds of faces,
All colors and all ages, too,
From all times and places.

Verse 3

Sometimes the church is marching,
Sometimes it’s bravely burning,
Sometimes, it’s riding, sometimes hiding;
Always it’s learning.

Verse 4

And when the people gather,
There’s singing and there’s praying,
There’s laughter and there’s crying sometimes,
All of it saying….

Verse 5

At Pentecost some people
Received the Holy Spirit
And told the Good News through the world
To all who would hear it.